How to make money

I absolutely love making money. Here are some ways you can make some extra cash too!

Sell your books:

The key here is to find which place will give you the most money for your books. I recently got all my books together and went to each site and put in the ISBN numbers and ended up shipping my books to 4 different places to make the most money off of them. In my personal experience, I had the best luck with, but you might have a different experience. This process took me a few hours, but it was worth it. These sites pay for shipping and deposit cash into your PayPal account. Amazon gives you Amazon credit, but Amazon credit can be used to buy virtually everything.

Sell your clothes:
1. Sell clothes in lots.
2. Group clothes by size and season.
3. Take pictures of the clothes and post them on Craigslist.
4. Don't expect to make much, but you can make something. Usually, if my lot has 40 items, I'll price it for $20. Think about 50 cents an item. If you want more for your clothing, take them to a consignment shop.

Baby clothes are the easiest to sell. Kids clothes come in second, and adult clothes (no matter how nice they are) are the most difficult. People want things cheap. But, if you are following my plan about clothing, you know that you need to get rid of these clothes anyway, so why not make some money off of them so you can buy your kids some new Sketchers Twinkle Toes??? If something doesn't sell within a week, go ahead and donate it. After a week, it needs to be out of your house, so that you are less tempted to just keep it!

Ebay it!
Ebay can be tricky, and costly if you don't do it right. My recommendation is to start most your biddings at $0.99 to avoid listing fees. UNLESS it is a high ticket item. I've made $300 in the last month just by selling things on ebay. This was all stuff I had sitting around. Even if you think it won't sell, there's no harm in trying with a free listing.

Check out: EBAY for more information.

Helpful tip: I've found Victoria's Secret and American Eagle stuff sells well on ebay!

Find your Knack:
Are you crafty? Do you have a skill people need? Be creative, find your knack and run with it! I recently created 4 Princess Boutique and am selling my handmade, eco friendly items. I turned a hobby into a profit. Whatever you are good it, be creative and you can turn it into a money making skill.